UK-Algerian Business Council

Creating new investment opportunities


The Economic Situation in Algeria

Gross domestic product (GDP):168, 8 billion dollars (2011)
Share of hydrocarbons in the GDP: 40-45%
Share of hydrocarbons in the budget revenue: 66%

GDP per capita: 4,187 dollars

Budget deficit:

4% of GDP in 2010 compared with 6.8% in 2009
Initial forecast prepared under the 2011 Finance Law: 3.3%

Following the adoption of the 2011 Complementary Finance Law in June, which provides for a 25% increase in public expenditure, that is an additional 23.5 billion dollars of expenditure, a budget deficit of 4,693 billion dinars is expected, which is 33.9% of gross domestic product (GDP). However, according to the Algerian Minister of Finance, the actual budget deficit should be between 10 and 11%.

Growth rate: 4 % for 2011 (6% excluding hydrocarbons)

Exchange reserves: 182.22 billion dollars (end 2011)

External debt: 4, 42 billion dollars for 2011

Inflation: 4.5% (2011)

Forecast for 2012: 3.5%

Unemployment: 10% (2010), i.e. 1,076,000 persons unemployed
For the 20 to 34 year-old age group, the unemployment rate is 15.65%


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